Gooney Bird and the Room Mother
Book Review III
Author: Lois Lowry
Illustrator: Middy Thomas
Genre: Ficiton
Subgenre: Realistic
Primary Characters: Gooney Bird Greene, Mrs. Pidgeon, and Barry Tuckerman
Secondary Characters: Felicia Ann, Keiko, and Malcolm
Publishing: Houghton Mifflin Company Books 2005
Awards: N/A
Theme: A gifted child needs to be challenged and encouraged.
Summary: Mrs. Pidgeon's second grade class needs a room mother desperately. She offers the leading role in their Thanksgiving pageant to the student who can find a room mother for the class. Gooney Bird, who loves being smack dab in the middle of everything quickly begins her search. She locates a room mother, but tells her class that she wishes to stay incognito. Since she found the classroom a room mother, Mrs. Pidgeon gives Gooney the lead role. In the end, the room mother turns out to be Mrs. Pidgeon's very own mother.
Uses with Students: In a classroom, this chapter book could be used to introduce students to a plethora of new vocabulary words. Also, it could be used as a silent reading or read aloud book in any lower grade level classroom. There are illustrations dispersed throughout which will keep the attention of younger beginning readers.